Showing posts with label how to get youtube views. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to get youtube views. Show all posts
How To get More Views On Your Youtube Video From Google+

How To get More Views On Your Youtube Video From Google+

Are you find difficulties to get more youtube video views?

Well, high-quality video is the best solution and some other tips you could try like Google +. Over 111 million users are there and this community is getting bigger day by day. So there is a big chance to get more views in your video. Just you need to know some tricks.

First, you need to find active people there. For this, you need to go to the 'Discover' tab. Open the tab and find a recent post. It's better to find your video related post. This will give you the perfect followers who will interact with your post. 

Then go to the activity tab. You will find people who interact with that post. Just find active people from there.
Find people who have a profile picture. Because most of the profile with a picture is an active user.

If you find a user with lot's of post then he/she is an active user. Just find what time he/she last shared his post. This will give you the exact idea of activity of that profile. No mater is user don't have followers. Just find active people.

Just follow that kind of profile and then give some like. This will give them a notification and in return there is a chance of getting more like, comment, reshare from them. Thus your post will get more activity and this will help you to get more views.

You will find so many groups there where you could also share your video. This will also help to get more views. Just remember always try to find your video related group.
This video will help you to understand clearly.

If You have question then just comment below. I will reply you as soon as possible.