How to review 'Live conversation-Outbound' category correctly in humanatic- Tips and tricks

In Live conversation-outbound category agent called caller for various purpose like buying car, service issue, wishing birthday etc. If the agent could connect with the intended person then what time he/she could connect. Here just have to mark time frame. If a call could connect with the intended person then it marks as 'Not connected'.

Sometime you will hear only agent voice but not the caller. This kind call created for caller security issue. Just find what time agent reached the intended person and mark the tag according to agent talking point. It's a quite easy category to review. It pays 0.07 cent for per correct review calls. The easiest thing about this category is here you will find small conversation and most of the call only 2 or 3 people involved in the conversation which is quite easy to mark right tag rather than 'live conversation-inbound' category.


If a call connects then mark the time frame accordingly.

1. If agent reached the intended person then mark the call as connected.

2. If you hear only one voice then try to find if the agent reached intended person. I told this kind of call created for caller security purpose. You will hear agent conversation which is the base for tagging this kind of call. 

3. If the intended person picks up call and says he/she will call back.

4. If the intended person picks up call and says remove him from calling list. Actually here caller inquiry vehicle before and now agent confirm is the intended still in the market for buying a vehicle and caller straight answer 'remove him from calling list'.

5. If the intended person does not pick up call but his/her spouse picks up and handle the call.

Left a message:-

1. Select this option if the call goes to voicemail and employee leaves a voicemail.

2. If the employee leaves a live message for intended person. Basically this kind of conversation you will hear 'I will let him know' or 'I will pass the message'.

3. If you hear only one voice where you understand that employee just leaves a message for the intended person like if a call goes to voicemail. You will hear only one voice but you will understand employee continuously talking which mean no one is on the other line that means employee just leaving a message.

Not the right person/no message:-

1. Select this option if the employee has the wrong number. Like if employee ask 'is this mike?'. Intended person- 'No, maybe you have the wrong number'.

2. If a call goes to voicemail but the employee does not leave a message. 

3. If you do not hear any conversation then mark this as 'not the right person/no message'.

Tips & tricks:-

1. Most of the call connect within 10 seconds.

2. Forward the call by 5 seconds. This trick is helpful to review calls quickly.

3.Just focus on calls. Just hear what intended persona employee says. This is helpful to find 'not connected' calls.

If you have any questions then just comment below. I will answer your question as soon as possible.


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March 26, 2019 at 5:07 PM

Hi..What if the call is answered by a voice mail with instructions or selections to leave a message by pressing certain keys on the that considered Connected?

April 10, 2019 at 12:30 PM

In most of the call i hear only agent voice. Why?

April 3, 2020 at 8:32 AM

Hello, my name is Atul Roy. In live conversation outbound category,"left message" means who left message - the person calling or the person receiving the call? Thank you.
